Preparing KVK 2 : inside territry

The biggest differece between kvk and non kvk is that you can not attack city INSIDE TERRITRY.


see the picture below.

the cities inside territry are SAFE. the city can not be attacked. 

on the other hand, the city outside is NOT safe. the city can be attacked(rallied). 



see the next picture.

the city marked × is NOT safe. the city is inside teritty but the clan is different


this happens very often. for example, 

when you move clan, but forget teleport.



next pic is another common mistake.

people get used to teleport on the edge.  but in KVK,  you should be careful.


when the territry conneted,  it is hard to distingish which clan the city belong to.  

if you teleport in such place,  make sure which clan you belong to.



another common mistake is that the city WAS inside territy, 

but after the flag burn,  the city is not safe anymore.

so when the city is near enemy territy,  you better use babble, or teleport back to safer area.






