
Contents of Geared Up bundle

重装出陣(Geared Up)バンドルの中身 他のバンドルと違って1日に購入できる12000円のバンドルは1回のみ ずっと買い続けてましたが、最近の装備インフレを考えると、微妙な中身かも・・・ 参考 その他のバンドルの中身 http://www.yoshimotoshogakko.com/rok_…

Arms Training Event

https://1631rok.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/06/21/225435 ↓ skill is changed. different now https://rok.guide/events/arms-training/ We must use Archers or Cavalry units. Infantry units will not be useful against Lohar since their attack is de…

20FF donation (Feb 13)

20FF started rss donation. here is the top donaters this week(until Feb13) ■top donators this week 1. Yмiя 140M2. Aircee 44M3. DntwntMANiENAN 40M 4. İSLAM wA 27M5. BRAver 22M6. MC4001 18M7. bisten 16M8. ZzẢo ẢnhzZ 16M9. CRANK DADDY 12M10. …